27 [F4R] VA/WV/USA- New Friends Wanted

Do you like to watch too much netflix?

Not enough actually. I'm bad at watching things alone

Are you a sushi fan?

Allergic to fish and seafood. You can have it though! I'll order the yaki udon

Have you ever considered doing the milk challenge(drinking a gallon of milk in an hour without barfing)?

Never heard of it, so I couldn't have considered it.

I could probably do it though. I drink a LOT of water

Have you made a bucket list and need someone to mark items off with?

Nope! I'm not a bucket lister. I just live my life. Enough happens already.

Are you simultaneously horrible and great at conversation?

OMFG yes! Like, I'm good at carrying on a conversation, but I'm shit at starting one or changing topics (or even thinking of a topic)

Are you willing to be a guinea pig for my sometimes terrible cooking?

How terrible are we talking?

Is your idea of a good day staying in your pjs?

I don't wear pjs but I get the sentiment. The answer vacillates between "Yes" and "Fuck Yeah!"

Do you like being an adult and paying bills/going grocery shopping?

Somewhat yes! But not always

Do you need someone to slow you down on your hikes?

I can't hike, sorry

Do you want a million pet pictures sent to you daily? (they're cute I swear!)

As long as there are pictures of you in there (you're cute too!)

I am married....if that is an issue please don't message me.

I am messaging you. Can I ask what are your boundaries in relation to that?

I prefer to chat on Kik but have other avenues if needed

Kik is mib5799

I'm on all night (at least 8 more hours after this)

/r/r4r Thread