It's 27 minutes into my birthday... And I am already miserable

It's your birthday, it's entirely up to you if you want to make it a "happy" one. My past 2 birthdays, there was no one there. My last, I was at a bar on a Saturday. Drinking alone. I felt miserable. But it was what it was. I made the best of it by talking to strangers. That's something I can suggest, just go to a bar. If you're not the drinking type, I suggest going to a coffee shop and letting people know that it's your birthday, and you'd like to talk (You'd be surprised how often this works!). If not, then only thing left to do is just appreciate and admire the people around you who are fortunate enough to have that connection with someone. Believe me, I speak from experience as someone with no love or friends of my own; I observe and listen. It gets a lot easier when you let go of the misery and angst, and just focus on the moment in time. That 'moment' feels like magic, really. Whether at a bar or coffee shop, you can look...and listen. People talking crazy things, folks who laugh a pleasant laugh, couples who love, or resent, and others serious in conversation. They won't see what you see. They won't appreciate what's happening right there in that particular space in time. Only you will. When I do this, I almost feel like a martian studying human behavior - and I have yet to understand this phenomenon. You can make it a happy birthday by going to a bar or coffee shop to watch and listen, or you can just make it a birthday, and nothing more. Wish I could meet with you to spend time, buy you a pint. But I'm here on this part of the planet, lonely as you, just offering this message as a present I hope you'll enjoy reading. Cheers.

/r/lonely Thread