27F looking for a dedicated penpal who loves books

Ok, I can use reddit to swap messages. I never tried this before, but let's see where it goes. I will consider this a Sunday message.

This year I read 7 books and skipped 2. Its week 13 so I am behind my schedule hahaha. The best books so far this year were this one (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5617966-a-guide-to-the-good-life ) and this one ( http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/86145.The_Well_Educated_Mind?from_search=true&search_version=service )

I am planning to read this second book I mentioned again and use it's lessons on "how to read a book" to write an essay about it to my future blog. I believe this book is a turning point on my reading habits. It teaches how to read each book, how to take notes and how to keep the information for a long time in your brain.

I use to forget most of the books I read after some months, but I believe following those ideas I will read better, recording and writing about the books I read. It's a more active approach to reading. I got to try this, and I will do it for the first time on the book itself because it has so many tips I am already forgetting.

My 2 books a week goal is something I want to do someday. At the moment I went from 10 books a year 4 years ago, to 45 books a year last year. This year I want more. I also want to understand more, and do not read just to finish the book.

English is your second language? Where are you from?

I just write to my pen pals. I believe I need to read way more books to be able to write some short story or novel. I like to appreciate art, but I am terrible creating stuff.

The genres I like the most are: Non fiction, Brazilian literature, World classics and Science Fiction. I like to read some plays, but I do not consider them as books, as they are 2 or 3 hours long. It's funny, I hate theaters but I love to read plays.

My favorite subjects at school were biology and geography. That is why I studied Geology at the university. At the moment I am taking my second graduation on Chemistry. And if possible I would like to take Biology in the far future.

And how about you? What do you like to read? Do you play any games out of Guild Wars (I only played Lineage II years ago, I will never return to MMORPG again, Its addicting.)

Best regards


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