I [27M] have never seen my girlfriend [26F] without makeup

Okay. I'm a girl who loves makeup, like your girlfriend. You really botched this OP. She probably works hard at it, spends time researching products, trying them out, watching tutorials, it's basically a hobby/passion/lifestyle (and an expensive one) --- especially if she wanted to make a Youtube channel. With the 'inch of makeup' comment, you probably made her feel like none of the effort/time she's put into looking great for you mattered, or that you think she's bad or ugly with makeup on. You made this WAY WORSE by bringing marriage into it, because I guarantee to her it sounds like you wouldn't consider marrying her if she's always going to wear makeup and you think it's ugly on her. And also -- does her skin LOOK bad? If not, drop the skin comments. The girl probably has a crazy good skin routine if she's into makeup tbh so you're just making her feel more insecure here. I don't blame her for being upset and hurt. There's 0 percent chance she's wearing makeup all the time too, especially when you only see her 2-3 times a week. Honestly, get off reddit, get this girl some flowers, and write her a nice letter telling her how beautiful and amazing she is for working her ass off to look good for you. She deserves that if you want to keep this relationship. Worry about seeing her without makeup when you actually LIVE together or if she refuses to shower with you etc. Then it would be a red flag.

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