29/M: How do I discover my strengths?

I've done them all. Other useful insights can be found in the "How To Fascinate" test ($25), and John Demartini's Value Analysis (free). I'm a very unusual person beneath my very "professional" persona, so I was always looking for data to substantiate my differentness. Self awareness gives me so much more confidence. Ultimately, this drove me to the esoteric, when I learnt that Jung used astrology as a shortcut to figuring out his patients, and so I surprised everyone and became an astrologer who specialises in strengths/life purpose. If you are open to experimenting and testing this out, I recommend Jan Spiller's books, as they are perfect for beginners. Many people swear by The Life You Were Born To Live by Dan Millman, but it feels a little too simplistic for me. I want more depth and specific advice.

What were your Strenghtfinder results? Myers Briggs?

Also, why do you find it hard to know what you're good at? For me it's because I was always focused on who other people wanted me to be, in order to feel safe and be liked, which didn't really work anyway.

I'd be interested to know more.

/r/selfimprovement Thread