29 year old Lonely Dude

My guy, you’re 29, single, money in the bank, no kids, enough motivation to go to the gym and are building wealth with you stock portfolio. Internet stranger, I say this from the bottom of my heart; Life is pain. Pain is a gift.

Look man, I can tell you need to take some time, and I mean time, like years, to really just figure out what you like, what you want to do. Where you want to go. All this placing your own value and time into other people and how they feel is essentially a kindergarten game gone wild. I’m not saying feeling alone feels good. On the contrary, it sucks. But there will be a time when you realize that these relationships, especially the ones that aren’t gonna work, take a piece of your soul each time. And they take your time. Open your eyes and look around at how many 29 year olds are TRAPPED, In decisions they made 5-10 years ago. Absolutely trapped. Financially and personally. You don’t have that, you’re free. Respect that freedom, being lonely isn’t a problem, it’s a gift card from the universe, inside, it simply says, “there is work to be done”

The Old man and the Sea, by Earnest Hemingway. Perspective my friend. Get a new one.

And also, you can’t fix people. The hard way to learn this lesson is to spend your whole life and most of your money doing what you think is the right thing only to realize the other person doesn’t think they need to be fixed in the first place. Also, you want to be the one being “fixed”. Because in reality no one is being helped and that’s just the power dynamic. Don’t love people who make it all about them.

/r/suggestmeabook Thread