I (29F) have a continuing urge to read my dead mom's (50F) journals. Can I?

Thank you for the input. I feel like (maybe naively) she and I have said the worst of the worst to each other already, because of the nature of our relationship. Again, maybe naively, but because I was her guardian, I think I know the worst things she's done and said. I've never doubted that she loves me and my siblings and had only pride for us. The only bad content I can imagine is her shaming herself for her parenting. That would be hard to read, but I've heard it before.

To be perfectly frank, I'm not going to throw them away, you know? I'm just not, because they're what I have left of her. But I would want someone to throw mine away. I know she can't hear me, but I idealistically think she would say "Honey, if it will help you, you should read them," but I can't be certain. It's not even the content I care about, it's just hearing her voice in her writing. I'm doing OK dealing with her passing, so I'm not looking to settle any unresolved issues or anything, it's just like this is the last chapter that I can't help myself from wanting to read. Thanks again.

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