I [29M] kicked out my girlfriend after she [28F] had an abortion without telling me. Help me understand if I'm the bad guy?

I've been pregnant, I've had an abortion. Every woman is NOT automatically an abuse victim of some controlling man. Sorry. You're projecting. If being pregnant is SO FRIGHTENING, don't have sex. You don't get to penalize all men as controlling and abusive, and also give all women a "break" because "pregnancy is so frightening and dangerous", therefore they should get some sort of a break. That's not how it works. Women are not children who "can't handle" being pregnant, thus they act with deceit and manipulation and then they require that they be absolved of the results of that deceit and manipulation. You are projecting your own experience / point of view onto the OP as if he were some abusive, frightening asshole who would have bullied or otherwise treated his ex with unreasonable abuse. You have not considered that this might not be the case and proclaimed him guilty of abuse when there's no evidence of that whatsoever.

Sounds like you think that any and every woman is justified in lying and manipulating people if she is up against OH NO, PREGNANCY!! HORRORS! Well then, shit, everyone should just give her a pass on all transgressions! Do over, do over! She didn't mean that lie! That only works when you're playing games as a child. It doesnt work when you're dealing with adult issues, like relationships based on trust, and decisions to abort a life or begin a family.

It's her body, she can do what she wants with it. But if she wants to stay in a relationship with her partner based on trust, she can't lie about something as important as the abortion of the life of their son or daughter, and then expect the partner to just hand over his trust again. That's not even reasonable. All she had to say was "Hey, I'm pregnant, and I don't want the baby, I'm aborting it." Then she would have been in the right. He could have broken up with her, or stayed with her, whatever he chose. Are you understanding this?

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