
\Be me. \On /r/kidsarefuckingstupid so I can make fun of kids and feel good about myself. \There's a post where obviously, a kid is being stupid. \Top comment is something along the lines of "this is actually pretty clever" \I make a comment pointing out that it is actually not But appearantly it's not OK to point out that, kids are not supid, just not entirely following directions, on a subreddit called kids are fucking stupid. \Get downvoted into oblivion in mere minutes \Ask why \Response is something along the lines of "maybe because your just fucking wrong" \A few more back/forths of them not actually explaining anything \Still getting downvoted for no reason \Reddit must think i'm spamming or something, cannot even respond back without waiting forever each time \People calling me more stupid than the kid ffs reddit

/r/2meirl4meirl Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it