3.0.0 Progress Watch - Update 2017-12-08

Kind of begs the question:

Why in the everliving fuck were we asking our poor consumer level to enthusiast level computers to process a goddammed universes' worth of worldspace?

We havent gotten to quantum computing yet there, son!

Seriously though, whilst that news is indeed damn awesome, I'm left wondering about the now-likely situation wherein instance-based loading of new areas as people leave and arrive will increase in latency and loading times as clients need to (un)load new areas and gain the info from the server.

I can only imagine this adds more pressure to the netcode and instancing portions of the client-server structure, I'm sure. Not all the data is being processed and synced on the client as well as the server, but only the clients' immediate area, and will require new information streamed to the client consistently as it moves around.

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