3 Big Cities Sue DoD Over Gun-Database Reporting After Texas Church Shooting

No. The military justice system closely resembles the civilian courts. In some ways, the accused in the military system enjoy more protections then those in civilian courts.

Uh, okay. As someone who contested a Field Grade for mouthing off to an O5 in the middle of a field problem when I was completely in the right and faced the very real possibility of standing in front of a court martial, I would like to say you have no idea what you're talking about. The possibility of facing an honest to god tribunal that consists of nothing but a flag or general officer is a real possibility in the world of UCMJ. This is opposed to having to specifically request a bench trial in the civilian system. You are not guarantied a trial by a jury. You are not guarantied a jury of your peers if you are granted one. A jury in UCMJ is as small as three people and does not require a unanimous verdict to convict. Not to mention your rights are different based on your rank, for example Commissioned Officers are arguably afforded more rights since they can not be tried by a summary CM only a special or general. Enlisted members are not guarantied to be judged by other enlisted members and even if their request to have enlisted members on their jury is granted, only 1/3 needs to be enlisted personnel.

The military justice system is far less kind than the civilian.

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