The 3 C’s of 3.0

Overall I’d agree, though as you mention this isn’t true for all 3.0 songs but there is definitely a trend.

I kinda love most of the campy songs (not sure I would consider Ruby Waves campy, the lyrics are weirdly existential/spiritual) because of how fun and upbeat they are and just sorta ignore the lyrics. A lot of them have definitely grown on me the more I listen to them, I hated Big Boat on first listen but now enjoy most of the songs (still don’t like Breath and Burning very much but it has some good jams).

And yea, there are definitely a lot of cringey lyrics, but they don’t always ruin the song (except The Line). The lyrics of Rise/Come Together suck but it’s still a pretty good song. Rage with Page at the dying of the light is probably the cringiest lyric I can think of.

But at the end of the day, Trey could piss in my ears and I’d pay for the opportunity.

/r/phish Thread