3 months later, divorcing my husband was the biggest mistake of my life.

It was around this time that I discovered this group and a few others. I started posting things about him, from my perspective only, and I got so much positive feedback for how I was feeling that I knew I was right. The more I posted the more validation that I got.

Please dont just take the advice of anyone on this site or any other about getting a divorce.

I notice you are using a throwaway here, which means we can't go back and read what you said about him. My guess is that you left out a lot (your cheating for example) and/or presented the case very differently to how you do here, and so the advice you got would have been wrong.

That said: if you'd come here and presented the case just as you did today, we'd have told you to divorce for his sake.

/r/relationship_advice Thread