30-40 years

I have helped take care of my friends 13 yo daughter for the past 2 years. (They had a house fire and it displaced everyone. Due to some unfortunate financial issues in the aftermath they still haven't been able to get their own place.) My friend proudly told me her daughter had already been given all the necessary period education. I took her word for it. The kid was just under 12 and the night we watched that "Anne with an E" episode where Anne gets her period for the first time this poor kid started. She never told me. I had pads and tampons stashed in every bathroom in my house but this poor kid used toilet paper and stayed silent. (I honestly can't blame her too much. I know at her age I probably would have done the same thing.) I only found out when my friend told me after her daughter told her.

We had more period misadventures together too, lol! This poor kid had a habit of hiding her dirty underwear. I've given her hampers that close all the way. I've given her little non-see-through bags to put inside the hamper for her underwear. I've offered to never touch her dirty laundry and told her she can directly hand me whatever she needs washed. Myself and my SO would still find bloody panties stuffed in the bathroom cabinets and under her bed. ::face palm:: The only thing that broke her mad period stash streak was when our dogs found her discarded period panties and proudly ran with them through the house and yard like little war banners. I felt her soul crushing embarrassment in my soul, man. She now uses the aforementioned laundry bags I provided for her. She even started pre-treating stains with peroxide. I have never been so proud in my life of such a seemingly small victory. Periods are rough and the shame kids can feel is miserable. It's unfortunate that so many girls feel this way.

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