30 Quick Tips For Attracting Women

As a woman reading this, I can say it’s overall objectifying and misogynistic, predatory and manipulative... and most of all just plain creepy.

Excluding some certain scenarios, for the most part it’s as simple as if someone is into you, you’ll know. If they’re not, you’ll be confused. And just because you’re attracted to someone, doesn’t mean that attraction is owed back to you.

If you have anxiety about any of the stuff involved in trying to find a relationship (because I’m really hoping this list is to obtain a relationship and not to just get laid) then it may be less toxic speaking to a mental health professional to address the root causes of these anxieties. Why would you want to be with someone you had to manipulate and trick into liking you? A relationship built on lies and deceit is doomed from the start.

/r/seduction Thread