3000g Pure cannabis oil balls

Yeah, same if someone took 5 bongs to the face and crashed a car. It would be a marijuana related fatality (read not an overdose)

So you are saying marihuana is 100% safe then and still has zero deaths attributed to it? How many deaths do you attribute to alcohol?

Make sure your statistics don't include any "related" deaths like drunk driving or falling off a roof. Good luck finding that lol.

We are specifically talking about the harm potential of cannabis on its own.

We? Who's we?

I simply pointed out that several autopsies (you know the specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse by dissection for the specific purpose of determining the cause and manner of death) list marijuana.

That and this sub is full of millennial potheads who will decide such autopsies don't count. lol!

Think less drunk drivers, and more alcohol poisoning and you'll be on the right lines.

Oh so now it's only poisoning huh? Who came up with these rules? Is that the mysterious "we" you spoke of?

It was my claim. And it's backed up with facts.

I will look forward to your stats on alcohol which include precisely zero related deaths and only count direct causes.

And since we are ruling out DUIs then you're totally ok with smoking and driving? It's 100% safe right?

/r/trees Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com