31 Days of Move Origins #11 - Black Gordman's DDT

I think you took a fun little series and decided to neckbeard yourself right the fuck into it.

Great, resorting to insults because I pointed out a relatively minor issue in your post really says a lot about how mature you are. Oh no, I'm a neckbeard because I pointed out a small mistake, I must be the one in the wrong - not the guy who makes the series about wrestling moves that a bunch of people read and said something that isn't true.

You're really upset about being called out on a minor error, to the point where it seems like you've turned it into something much bigger in your head.

Instead of taking it for what it was and having a discussion, you started arguing with me about it, repeatedly misinterpreted my points and demonstrated a lack of understanding about how sourcing works. Now you're trying to say I'm in the wrong for pointing out an inaccuracy it would take you maybe 30 seconds to fix.

I don't feel the need to provide every piece of reference point I have for the origin of the move. I'm not publishing a piece of international journalism here yet you want to come in and suck the ever fucking fun out of this.

Wow your swears are so cool. You link to 10 gif examples but you can't link to your sources or a source, and when someone asks you politely you don't either. You just wrote Wikipedia without even linking to the article, as if that's the same thing as a primary source.

We can't 100% prove that anyone invented any move because someone, somewhere, at some point in time could have possibly done the move first so should I just abandon this whole fucking thing then?

Do you have comprehension issues? How many times do I have to tell you that my whole point is you shouldn't state something is a fact if it isn't. Just say it's "widely believed" or "the evidence points to" or something similar when you don't have definitive proof and it's fixed. How much easier could it be?

Because I can't be Woodward and fucking Bernstein here.

No, but you could use basic reasoning to decide if there's definitive proof or not, and then use the appropriate language. You could also link to one or two sources, considering you take the time to link to all the gifs. You're presenting this information as fact, it better be correct or else some people will point out the discrepancy.

If you're going to be this sensitive and get this worked up about one person calling you out on a minor mistake you made, maybe you shouldn't keep doing this series.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent Link - gfycat.com