I [34M] am being forced to pick between my career and my girlfriend [32F] of 10 years and I think I might pick my career. Have I lost my mind?

Man I bet the people in your life love to be around you.

I opened a business when I was 22 with my best friends and have kept it running for over a fucking decade. Do you know how many new businesses fail? Do you know how many people have a "like, super great idea" when they're 22 and it turns out to fucking suck? None of us had Daddy's trust fund. We didn't win the lottery. We didn't befriend some old guy on his death bed who bequeathed his already established business unto us.

We did it ourselves. I get up and go to work every day to hang out with my best friends. I don't have a boss telling me what to do. I don't hate my coworkers. I have met insanely interesting people and been able to support our community in some really great ways. I have watched people meet for the very first time at my bar and come back for their first wedding anniversary. I love what I do, I provide a service people enjoy, and I built everything I had on my own with the help of some of the people I care most about in this world.

I wish you the best of luck in your quest to change the world. I'm just fine with my life.

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