I [34M] repeatedly asked to go out with my [36F] girlfriend but she only finds time to go out with her girlfriends

Am I speaking in another language that is not English? Dude, I said already that I spoke with her, asked her to go out more and about her "bad" behaviours. I either got a simple "OK" or no answer. That's why I come here, to try to understand her behaviours. I of course will try again but that's beside the point.

Which exactly means that you can't properly communicate with each other. We aren't your gf and can't help you more than saying talk to her and go to couple's therapy. There's literally nothing else we can do.

I don't think she would accept couple's therapy. I can try but the main problem I have is that I don't think going out less with your partner is enough to dump her/him. If she is hiding cheating of course I'd dump her, but if it's just her psychological issues it seems immature to renounce to an otherwise great woman. I fail to get this point, really.

If she's not willing to work on her issues, nothing will change. There are certain things you aren't happy about, which you try to forget since you know that she isn't able to work with you on them. The longer you'll together, the more these different little things will add up and the more you'll start to resent her. She on the other hand will feel pressured and might ignore you even more (if she doesn't just break up).

Is this really something you'll look forward to? I believe you that your gf is awesome in your eyes but you shouldn't play her hero who can rescue her. This is something she has to do on her own. If she's not willing to do that, I don't really see a point. It's only been 6 months, you should still be in the honeymoon stage, do you really think it'll become easier from now on?

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