I (38M) walked in on my daughter (16F) having sex.

I’m going to just say(and I expect down votes) that I do NOT like how some of you in the comment section are acting as if these children are grown/adults. Yes, eventually teens will have sex but that does NOT mean that parents should encourage it as long as it’s “safe” which is what a lot of you seem to be implying.

I like that you’re neutral on this OP because it will happen(sex)and to me it basically seems like you just don’t want it done while you and your wife is at home. I agree with this and in my opinion it’s bold and disrespectful for her to have done so(sex) while you were home. She knows the rules, she chose to disobey them(open door policy).

For the ones telling OP he should have knocked on his teenage daughter’s door while the boyfriend was over b/f entering... Are you serious? What else would they have been doing with the door closed?! A school project? Be serious here.

I think you should talk to your wife about what you witnessed and see about getting your daughter on birth control before you have a teen pregnancy on your hands. Also I would like to suggest getting your daughter an appointment with an Ob/Gyn. Sex is bound to happen but at least we can make sure it’s safe and responsible.

/r/relationship_advice Thread