3rd(?) best day of my life! AMA!

Bitcoins are the best joke ever Cuz always somebody get hurt In the transaction between the accounts and when I mean hurts is because who ever is using bitcoins comes with so much sadness before who is trying to make money from them and without talk about the ilegal things the people do before they use the bitcoins and must of the people who try to be a bitcoins user they do so much not legal transaction I don’t have to say those primary business they are according must of the time with laundry money in so many ways and how the people get money before they used bitcoins is the sick and insanely matter that is disgusting whatsoever could be the bitcoins the most easy why to never get a track of those irregular business they people do just to be rich inna insensible way ever exist and thats why now it is the must powerful way to accomplish what you will never accomplish without it .

/r/Bitcoin Thread