3rd try SIBO treatment

That’s entirely false. Go to Africa, you have tribes that eat almost entirely meat that live to 100. Grass fed beef is perfectly healthy.

Those “studies” you’re referring to are poorly designed. It’s the high trans fats, vegetable oils and sugar that are the problem. All of the new data is showing no or negative correlation between saturated fat and heart disease.

You make me laugh. Go into the r/keto blog and read the success stories, people curing their autoimmune disease, diabetes, obesity. Modern western medicine has been wrong about everything wrt to nutrition for the past 70 years.

Go read about the history. In the 50s they noticed that people w high cholesterol had heart disease. The reasoning quickly became dietary fat intake -> high cholesterol ->disease. These geniuses decided to tell us to lower our fat in take, swap that steak and butter for a muffin and margarine. Turns out sugar and hydrogenated fats are the real killers, and a steak and butter is extremely healthy. These idiots basically told us to do the opposite of what you’re supposed to. And these are the studies that keep being quoted, yet people ignore the new data. Dietary intake of cholesterol isn’t the problem, yiur body makes it on its own. Sugar raised low density ldl, which is the killer. Oxidized hydrogenated oils are linked to cardiovascular disease. Negative correlation of saturated fat to heart disease.
The thinking is changing, get with it

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