3rd yr. feeling depressed, worried it will cost me everything. Please Help

Please don't give up on life just yet. :(

College made my depression much worse too. it's really one of the worst possible experiences for depressed people. Tear someone away from their support system and throw them into a new city with no friends. Give them a "job" (learn), which is completely open ended, extremely stressful, is unpaid, provides no value to society, and can be done without ever interacting with a human being for months on end. No one checks up on them or cares if they fail. Add debt and poverty. Then surround them with happy-go-lucky people who are beautiful and tan and really smart and successful, just to rub it in.

It's really normal to feel depressed in this environment. I hope you know that you have so many options. Depending on your school you can delay your next year's classes for a long time with no penalty (my school does 5 yrs I think). Also don't be afraid to fail those classes. Almost everyone I know failed several classes in college and you can just take them again next quarter. It's really not a big deal. Your GPA is pretty much irrelevant when getting a job you just leave it off your resume and no one asks. I have a friend who got hired at Intel with like a 2.1 gpa that way.

I have had a couple really bad quarters where I fuck everything up. Had a nervous breakdown last fall and my grades fell 3 letter grades for each class. Winter was worse since I started the quarter that way. How I pulled out of it a bit, I went to the therapy center on school and talked to them about some of it. They are very sympathetic. They helped me get some clarity and make a renewed effort, which didn't go great but is a little better than before. I have found my habits of running and sleep are really important for my well being. Sleep hygiene as a whole was important too. I'm sure you've heard it all before. It just takes time to figure out what is gonna work for you. Sorry I can't be of more help, I don't rrally understand what changed for me. I started reading political philosophy actually which helped me regain my intellectual interest.

But I really do mean that a bad quarter will not matter in the long run. College exists for making mistakes. It won't define you or hold you back in life.

/r/getting_over_it Thread