4 days ago my therapist suggested I read a book on c-ptsd and asked me to highlight anything that stood out to me. I was willing to learn something new but I went into the task thinking this wasn’t my problem. Now I’m worried it is my problem

My therapist assigns me homework and tasks often, and recommends books. It gives me ways to work on issues between sessions.

She recommended Pete Walker’ book on CPTSD and it was such an eye-opener. It filled in gaps we just wouldn’t have time for in our sessions, meaning we could make better use of our time on the clock.

Your CPTSD and your recovery is 100% your problem to work on and learn about.

I know it’s a big head shift to dive in like that, to take ownership of it as yours to work on, but it is worth every speck of energy you invest. You are worth making the effort for. The more informed about your condition, yourself, your triggers, your everything, the more you get out of your sessions with professionals. And, you learn when something isn’t right for you, so you can try something that actually works.

All the best!

/r/CPTSD Thread