4 March 2020

What could my 1rm for squats be? Starting a new program probably this week already and need to know it. Last week was a "deload" week and I did some random stuff and on squats I decided to do 90kg for an amrap, got 10, had like at least 1 in the tank but if I really would have taken it to failure and I think I could have grinded out more than 1 rep, but not sure since I didn't do it.

When I calculated my squat 1rm on a site, the estimation is 120kg, and I think I maybe might not even get 110kg. So what 1rm should I put?, 105kg, 107,5kg, 110kg? I believe I could get 105kg at least, but idk how much more could I get, or maybe I can't get more than it.

/r/powerlifting Thread