4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date Asian Girls (Alt right article)

Sacco Vandal • 4 months ago In the Corps I was stationed in Okinawa Japan for 3 years. Slept with and dated a lot of Japanese girls that time, even considered marrying one and staying in Japan. One thing stopped me: I had this deep instinctual desire FOR MY CHILDREN TO LOOK LIKE ME. I now have 3 beautiful. blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan children.

Asian women are great, but if you want white babies you have to mate with a white woman, it's that simple.

Vanitas TruthSeeker • 4 months ago

Asians have no intellectual curiosity, they only really study to advance themselves materially.

KiddBlast Vanitas • 4 months ago

They are talented and diligent copyists, little more.

Bldr • 4 months ago

Why would any European man go for an Asian? They're inferior. Not to mention the crime of miscegenation.

Jeff Haushofer • 4 months ago

Most white men who are into Dog-Eaters are wimps with latent paedo urges. Also, Oriental women are dull and have personalities of goldfish. Yeah, and apparently they have no pubes and their minges go sideways. It's true. I read about it in a book.

dodoros • 4 months ago

Is it worth it to divorce an Asian girl so that you might have an opportunity to marry a normal white girl?

Flavius Stilicho Ragnar Blåskägg • 4 months ago

My friend who taught in Japan got Yellow Fever for a while, as did another mutual friend of ours. They both said they loved how demure and feminine the women were. They both got over it, and my friend married a good White girl.

Cobbett • 4 months ago

I prefer Pattaya bar girls(and SE Asian women in generall) to what's on offer regarding English women these days, not that I'm looking for a 'meaningful' relationship either way...and don't particularly care what anyone thinks of it.

ZioFascist Vincenzo Riggio • 4 months ago

italian/greek are european

Skyler Thomas Chris • 4 months ago "Did your ancestors (Asian included) build America, did they establish its infrastructure and political system, did they create and import the Western European cultures, languages, traditions and identities which have historically defined America?"

Indeed they did - English, Christianity, nuclear families, small business ownership/entrepreneurialism, they brought it all. You presume to discount that by what means exactly? I'm not claiming to be American at all. I'm telling you.

"The existential meaning of Asians is simply rejection and hatred of the West" There's some truth to that, but you'll find no rejection of the West with me. Hell, I'm writing a book about why the West needs to dominate right now. Even if that's true about Asians, I don't belong to those societies and it has fuck all to do with me. asians are asiatic

Skyler Thomas Chris • 4 months ago Why don't you just live in China?

You seem like a nice enough person, and possibly reasonable - although I strongly object to your fraternizing with a White woman. It's just wrong, man.

The problem is that you aren't White. That you grew up primarily around White people is irrelevant - you could just have likely been raised in Uganda around nothing but Black people or in Alaska around Eskimos.

Skyler Thomas waffleironmarch • 4 months ago Excluding the fact Asians are steadily making up the bulk of immigration into the West - you have to figure the superior people aren't migrating to the societies of and being educated by the inferior people - and excluding the IQ averages - which the Asian is only slightly higher than the White - Asian creativity is well below White creativity - closer to Indian and even African creativity in fact. Every psychologist/biologist from Richard Lynn and Charles Murray to Philippe Rushton and Henry Harpending accepts this. The slightly higher IQ of Asians in mathematics will not progress them. If White people were to ever fall off the face of the Earth I strongly believe Asians would quickly regress.

It's also interesting to note that as far as IQ averages go, when the data for the White averages are collected they place all Whites from all over the world into one group, however for some reason with Asians they separate the North East from the rest - there's more than four countries in Asia, you know. The IQ averages throughout South Asia tend to be in the mid 80s to low 90s. Needless to say if ALL Asians were placed together, as is done with Whites, then the Asian IQ would be well below the White.

Also, I'm sorry to be the one to say it but Mongoloids are far more overrated than you're making them out to be. From the Minoans to the ancient Greeks, the Romans to the British, Whites have generally always been ahead politically, militarily, economically, scientifically, and in every other way - even the Egyptians and Sumerians were basically White. We ruled India and Africa directly, and China was for all practical purposes an economic colony of Europe. The Chinese Emperor remained on his throne only so long as he let White men have their way in China. The Chinese only inherited Hong Kong and Singapore from their former European colonialists. The Japanese are perhaps the only Asian people of any significance which even had pretensions of autonomy.

The Chinese, as Derbyshire likes reminding us, were a very advanced civilization for their time. But they stagnated - for almost 1,500 years in fact. The Mongoloid brain is equipped for establishing systems of order. Once that order is achieved however their civilizations plateau. The White Brain is geared towards creativity and isn't limited in that regard. We keep thinking and building long after order is established and maintained to keep bettering society. On the whole the White male is the most common genius.

But all that aside, regardless of IQ averages and historical contributions this doesn't negate from the plainly simple fact that Asians don't belong in White nations and ethno-states - anymore than White people belong in Asian nations and ethno-states. Any future relationship between Whites and Asians should be purely and explicitly international, platonic and indifference. If Asian nations and ethno-states have anything to offer White nations and ethno-states great, but the days of migration, outsourcing, privatization, centralization, mixing, intermarriage, foreign aid, etc., need to end.

Fascitarian • 4 months ago

Asians have shitty personalities and shitty cultures

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