Why the 40klore mods are not -- and cannot be -- limiting free speech

To the moderators of r/40klore This subreddit is to lack any and all real-world connections. As such there must be no scrutiny from the moderators towards the peculiar actions of the few and the wants of the many, cease and desist the witch hunts against certain lore experts and their use of facts which may be misconstrued as a microagression towards others. The bridge only tells facts, and facts do not care about your opinions. Nor does the Emperor Nor does the imperium as a whole. Chaos does. And right now I see alplethora of chaos and heretics. The imperium is not a mass conglomerate of individuals but the unification of the one true self, humanity. Stop getting butthurt by the bridge and live your life. Live the life. For The Glory of the Emperor

/r/40kLore Thread