[#42|+2152|113] Following the idea of Donald Trump, Slovakia will build a wall and “Never accept a single muslim” says Prime Minister, because "muslims are a huge threat to the European way of life” [/r/The_Donald]

the black crime rate has exploded beyond anything ever seen in any record books

Source? The best I could find was this () which shows that overall crime peaked in 1980 but since then both black and white crime as decreased.

Good measurement, but its stopped growing

Because life expectancy isn't the same thing as average life span. People in the 50s and people now both rarely live past 80, which means that life expectancy will cap out around there short of some sort of immortality potion.

Thats retarded.

Nice response. I was trying to have a civil conversation based on facts without resorting to name calling or dismissing your arguments, but if you aren't interested in that we can end it here.

We don’t need estimates, 2.5% to 3.5% of people are homosexual

2.5% to 3.5% identify as homosexual. 8% have reported engaging in same-sex activity at one point. 11% have reported feeling some same-sex attraction at some point. So yes, 2.5% or 3.5% identify as homosexual but up to 10% are bisexual or closeted homosexuals.

Why are you referring to the period of time that emancipated homosexuals as not great?

Now you are really getting into "Hitler was a bad guy but on the other hand he shot Hitler" territory. Fixing your past mistakes doesn't make you great, it makes you even.

Who in all reports on happiness were much happier back then than they were now.

Rates of depression were higher for women in the 50s than they are now as well.

If you are interested in context at all, America was probably the best place on planet earth to be disabled during that time period.

Context is important, but even if that is the case it doesn't mean we can't do better. I don't judge my behavior of of my neighbor I judge it off of what I think is right and achievable. Or are you actually arguing that america was better for disabled people in the 50s than it is now?

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