435 - Cancel Crisis feat. Matt Taibbi (7/9/20)

The statement you quote is just straight up wrong. Injustice in an alien space station orbiting Alpha Centauri just doesn't affect me, clearly. It is a woke article of belief with absolutely no basis in reality except some imaginary pseudo-religious ideal of karma, vaguely derived specifically from Trotskyist or MTW dogma (other varieties of Marxism don't have this).

Now consider how implicitly globalist your statement is, and how that excludes any idea of the elected representatives of a nation protecting its workers and inhabitants (intentionally not saying "citizens" here). In the absence of a world government (which is not a great idea, and likely an impossibility in the near future), this results in a race to the bottom unless countries can decide to do things like impose tariffs to compensate for unfair competition.

Yes, climate change is inherently interconnected, but look how well trying to solve that is going in a system of capitalist economies with free trade as dogma: we've thrown away all the diplomatic tools to do anything about it before we even start!

Injustice absolutely anywhere in the world isn't our concern unless we invaded that place (which, given the US, we probably did, but). Injustice in the USA should be our concern.

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