4chan and the Oregon shooter: What the suspicious thread says about a horrifying subculture of young male rage

I see the same message over and over again posted by MRA's and their ilk, although I'm still not exactly clear what the message is, as the vagueness of their pleas seems more like the anguished howling of an inured animal, and I mean that not in a demeaning way, but a very real and sad analogy for their indirect, desperate messages that society is in some way hurting them, and they've latched onto the banner of "male" rights, maybe as a way of feeling they're actually standing up for a cause. A cause that has been propogated by the internet communities of equally unhappy, lonely and probably mentally unwell young men who become these amplifying echo-chambers of rage, bitterness and hopelessness. Look at some of the terrible branches that unofficially orbit the MRA label. Guys giving up on relationships forever, guys deciding that women should be mentally abused and manipulated, guys with such severe social problems that they are constantly publicly declaring their intents to leave the country or take their own life if they don't get laid by a certain age.

And still they avoid getting real help while at the same time screaming for people to notice them, telling us all that their loneliness is the fault of women, as if women are members of a great organization, alien and perplexing, meeting and deciding on their plans to meddle with the lives of good men. I mean, that has to be the reason they're so alone, right? Gender, of course; a common denominator between all who have made them feel bad.

So I hope that if anything come from these horrible, evil actions, it's that people start taking notice of the message these kids are saying. Not the message they think they are saying, but the real message under it. "My feelings are hurting me more than I can take or control, please help me."

And that's going to be one of the next big social challenges we face in America, de-stigmatizing mental health issues, repairing the real flaws in a society that has, for the last couple centuries, thrived on our principles of self-sufficiency and personal isolation to the point that many of us will take up arms before they give in to someone telling us that we're wrong and need to change the way we think. A culture of guns and isolation and fear that has become destructive in an age where we should be connecting more and more, not pushing each other away and hiding in small, niche communities, nurturing horrible thoughts in each other.


/r/againstmensrights Thread Link - salon.com