4chan and Reddit bombarded debate polls to declare Trump the winner

I think it was his deft and nuanced understanding of "the cyber" that heralded his resounding victory.

Are you a troll or a genuine moron? That is a real question. Your political candidate can -no exaggeration- barely formulate sentences. I don't care how much you hate Hillary; do you want a man who is retarded enough to use the fucking word 'bigly' in a sentence to run the country? If I had a five year old child and they did that, I'd reprimand them. Because that is inexcusably fucking retarded. Do his sentences sound good to you? Is that the level that you operate on? The man would genuinely lose a policy debate against Dane Cook.

Listening to him try to discuss geopolitics is beyond funny. He actually doesn't understand. It's beyond him. He's actually too intellectually limited to understand the precarious and tense political landscape of the middle east, especially with regard to Iran. All he can do, when he concentrates as hard as he is capable, is barely, barely fumble out a statement about how the Iran deal is the worst deal ever signed and how Isis should've been stopped years ago. And then repeat himself.

The most humiliating part of all of this is how much of a laughing stock he is to the entire rest of the world. Just knowing that one of your presidential candidates is weak enough intellectually to be laughed at by people from the world over is so humiliating. I've never been more embarrassed to use an American passport in my life.

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