5 Million Coin Giveaway - PS4

Congratulations! One thing I wish I could tell my pre-university self is to remember the good habits that got you there. I had perfect attendance through grade school and always got projects/homework done early. I went away to school and started skipping class and socializing way too much. Stay focused and don’t procrastinate! Find a balance between school and friends while also taking care of yourself. Try to limit bad food and booze intake. Most importantly-have fun and don’t live too fast.

One nice thing I did this week was let one of my best friends move in with my wife and I. He served in the military and has PTSD so he has been struggling to find work. His fiancé cheated on him while at war and he lost a couple close friends in combat. We both worked together all summer to finish my basement. Little did he know that we were building his new bedroom. The poor guy has been crashing wherever he could for a while and I want to help provide some stability. I am really excited to have him here. Also, bless my wife’s heart!

I wish you the best of luck with everything! Hope you have a blast and do great things!

/r/MaddenUltimateTeam Thread