5 Reasons the Left Should Support Leaving the Single Market

If you treat industry like shit, the Single Market gives them a chance to escape. They must instead be trapped.

One hopes that this project does not merely stop at "treating industry like shit", but instead gradually encroaches upon the private sector before swallowing it whole. If not, then this is indeed a foolish proposal.

Breaking from imperialist trade policy.

The EU, like practically all advanced capitalist nations or collectives, is imperialist in that it exploits and lays claim to the economic resources of impoverished nations through various financial devices aimed at hobbling any future attempt at economic independence before it gets off the ground.

Repeats "neoliberal" myth.

The EU is manifestly neoliberal (this nature being revealed fully in the Maastricht Treaty), as should be evidenced by the free-market reforms inflicted upon the European social democracies.

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