5 Signs That You're a Mature Person

No you were being a wise ass on the internet where it’s the most cowardly place to do so because everybody knowssss that your whole “give no fucks” attitude would never fly in real life or in person. But you are so full of shit so of course you don’t have the self awareness to realize maybe I shouldn’t be an asshole online but of course you DO because you are clearly what you tried to accuse me of being...an idiot. So I realized this is a dumb fuckin argument to have w/ someone I will never meet in real life who is clearly a weak person and would never say those words to my face or anyones face for that matter unless you felt you could kick their ass which means they must be A. a child or B. a woman. Yet you continue on with this no fucks given persona that makes you feel content with yourself when really you are weak and you walk the world weak and when you get online you can play this no fucks given character. This is the first few times I’ve decided to be active online in the comments and big suprise a keyboard warrior. Hilarious to me how big people can talk anonymously, but keep telling yourself you give no fucks, don’t worry the mid-life crisis will come my friend :). The whole idea of “giving no fux” goes against millions of years of evolution, but again, keep whispering sweet nothings into your own ear and remember, you are a bitch that plays tuff tuff on the internets. And yes I do to but I am actually tuff tuff and would get a chuckle to see you face to face when you try to be a smart ass because people don’t understand what a “parent commenter” is, unlike you I live a life and don’t spend it online to escape my shithole existence. Go roll your quarters you depressed fuck.

/r/howtonotgiveafuck Thread Parent