So, 5 years in, DS, DH and BT still single handedly ruin the game

It seems Ive stung the survivor mains nest by posting this here. I do know how to outplay the perks but thanks for the rundown again (not sarcastic dont take this the wrong way now).

Its the fact that the experienced survivors who put in the hours use those perks so optimally that between long chases and rushes gens, theres often no time to counterplay and I have to straight up eat the perks because going for someone else would be just as bad a choice. Thats what Ive been trying to say but it seems everyone here is only interested in Killer main bashing. And just because when they play Killer they only get the most potatoes of survivors doesnt mean their experience reflects the experience of everyone.

What im trying to say is, these perks make it wayyy to easy and braindead for the survivors to win the game and it just frustrates me. No matter if im tunneling or not, I kid you not Ive only had 5-7 minutes rounds at max for the past few days and thats partly these perks' fault.

You seem reasonable enough not to instantly assume im the worst killer player imaginable who only camps and tunnels so I look forward to more discussion.

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