50,000 sign petition for Disney to rehire James Gunn for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

And the jokes were, frankly speaking, kind of tame.

His rape joke is a lot less offensive than "9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape," and his pedophilia jokes are nothing compared to "that's a big word for a nine year old."

An employee of Disney should know better than to make jokes like these. And he should be fired if he made them while he was representing Disney. But 10 years ago, who cares?

I understand the argument that use of racial epithets in jokes normalize the use of the epithet, and so there's a reason to object to them. But these subject-matter jokes about rape, pedophilia, or the countless dead baby jokes mock the behavior. The Aristocrats is the extreme example - the jokes depend on the audience understanding how depraved these acts are, not on trying to normalize them.

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