50 Ways to Use Less Plastic

I'm thankful the infographic included the note that "many people doing it imperfectly is better than a few doing it perfectly".

People don't really respond to extremes, to black and white viewpoints like "go vegan OR carry the shame of destroying our entire planet", "live plastic-free OR die an unrepentant turtle murderer". We can all take small steps to create a big change.

At home I eat largely vegetarian, produce minimal waste, compost food scraps, etc. So I try not to feel too guilty about eating meat when I'm out, or purchasing something that comes in a container that is not biodegradable/recyclable/compostable. We're not all going to make drastic changes to commit to our eco-friendly ideal, but we can certainly pave our way there incrementally. Many of us can do at least a little better than we are now.

Basically, this was just a long-winded way of saying you shouldn't worry about those cute little
protective pizza tables. Of course we'd prefer alternatives, but you're doing your part in other areas and have earned the safety of your cheese.

/r/simpleliving Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com