50 year old Red Pill Man™ can’t get into a stable relationship or get with young women, and accuses the manosphere of lying to him. This is after he shamed women several times for “hitting the wall”.

I have a wife that's nine years younger than I, is a devoted and incredibly hard working house-wife. She runs the house and our kids, and her efforts enable me to actually do my job and bring in money. Without her, the entire endeavor grinds to a halt, and I make sure she knows that daily. My job is over when I leave work, she has to sleep and be on-call for her job 24/7.

How I managed to get this is a mountain of empathy, respect for her and her work, treating her as, if not an equal, then actually more important to the family than I am. Basically, I'm a dirty liberal commie that treats women like people and not chattel.

If he wants a wife like that, then he should be the guy a wife like that wants.

(To add insult to injury, she's also poly and a swinger, so in our decade long marriage we've had extra-curricular bedroom guests from time to time. Now I'm just bragging, though.)

/r/LeopardsAteMyFace Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it