500k milestone after my 28th birthday! 1/4 the way to FI


If you were 18 in the last ~18 years, then you could have googled it (if you're older, sorry boomer). My immigrant parents worked restaurants their whole lives. They don't fucking know shit about America, college, lucrative careers, English. I googled what degree to get, though there are some faults to doing that.

My cousin called up a random vet and asked to shadow them for 3 days. They let her. She ended up not wanting to do it. People are willing to help, especially curious teenagers.

Even without "institutional knowledge of having rich parents" you can still be proactive and figure shit out via a google search, a few phone calls, or a youtube rabbit hole. You can literally find out the salary and working conditions, at least superficially, of any job now. Throwing your hands up and not even trying because you didn't get dealt the best parents, that's on you.

I'm not denying the benefits of privilege. Being born in America is privilege. Graduating without/with little student debt is privilege. Having any non-black skin color is privilege on some level. etc. Being straight is privilege.

Don't make yourself artificially helpless.

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