I 51F do not know how to save relationship with my child 18M

Lady. It does seem like you are genuinely confused so Imma do my best to explain.

  1. Just because you say you aren't transphobic doesn't mean you haven't done things that are.
  2. Telling you son to stop taking his hormones is absolutely a huge cataclysmic error. That was transphobic. Blatantly, stupidly, openly, unquestionably, transphobic. The fact you even considered it, to say the least you even outright ASKED your son to stop taking them was such a monumental fuck up you might have possibly ended your relationship with him right there.
  3. The fact that you aren't fighting FOR your son AGAINST his grandparents and instead are trying to appeal to them is also transphobic
  4. The reason why there seems to be more trans people now isn't because there suddenly is more. It's because we live in a world with the internet and there are more people who are willing to take the risk to be open about this. Thinking there is some wider conspiracy behind this is also transphobic.

The fact you are arguing with people here instead of trying to actually listen speaks to the bigger problem. You. Aren't. Listening.

/r/relationship_advice Thread