6 weeks in, not "feeling" parenthood

Everyone is different, every birth and "fourth trimester" is different.

I never felt this bond with my first baby when she was small, she's 7.5 now and I still struggle with her sometimes. She's my oldest, so everything is new with her, always, and that makes it hard. I started to feel that "huge love" around 14-15 months old, when her talkative little personality was becoming apparent.

My second baby? INSTANT bond, I remember massaging him with lotion in the sun on my bed the day after I brought him home and crying with joy. I was confident about every stage of babyhood and it wasn't until he began to become severely speech delayed that I felt any struggle at all with loving him properly.

Third babe is 4 months old now and I'd say he's been somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. I have moments where the love is overwhelming like it was with my second, and I have also cried because I literally forgot he existed while I was "in the zone" (sleep deprived) doing chores. No joke, he was like 2 weeks old and I heard him crying from his bassinet and almost screamed, then cried because I felt overwhelmed with too much to do.

Anyway, ramble over, my point is, be gentle with yourself. Parenthood is NOT some magical fluffy feel good dream. It's just life.

/r/NewParents Thread