To the 6 year old I just played with, who had a pretty intense cough...thank you for the reminder that this is just a game.

I had a similar epiphany this evening. I was getting tilted and kept DC’ing as soon as I got thirsted. I’m not one to be an asshole over voice chat but I kept saying shit like “stupid fucking idiots, why do they keep fucking rushing headfirst into the enemy with no plan, dumbass fucking cocksuckers” to myself. Then I realized, “Hey, it’s just a game, the point is to have fun, maybe their fun is being hyper aggressive and pushing everything without thinking” I calmed myself down, and connected to another match. In this one, I charged with my team without constantly trying to have a backup plan for my backup plan, and we actually won. I was even kill leader, and it was one of the most fun matches I’d had in a while. I still prefer playing it safe though, it’s just randoms don’t seem to.

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