7/12 PBE Update: Even More Tentative Balance Changes

Clearly it would be better if they got one shot out of nowhere by a Rengar, or got instantly nuked by a Vayne that they can't even auto because of kiting and invis, or if they literally got 1v5'd by Irelia, or getting nuked by Syndra.

Mundo needs health because his giant hitbox, his damage falls off super hard, and he can't get to you without soaking a ton of damage and tower shots. Whereas an Irelia would just nuke someone in 2 seconds while still being tanky, a Mundo needs to literally chase after you for 20 seconds throwing multiple cleavers and autos just to get a kill, and if your team has any kiting or peel he just wastes his ult and gets fucked.

Seriously, who the fuck makes these posts??? I would honestly be shocked if you were even gold. You sound like low silver or bronze. It's just like complete gross ignorance of the game it's mind boggling.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Parent Link - surrenderat20.net