7.2 "Showdown on Ruhnuk!" Story Kind Of Sucks

Writing has been pretty meh since 4.0 The Outlander became the main character of the entire game and ended up as the most powerfull character in the galaxy by the end of 5.0.

They wrote themselves into a corner and tried to "fix" it with the Nathema/Theron story line (wich might be one of the worst written story of the game) by one shotting your entire fleet and trying to make you forget Zakuul is still under your control... This whole Outlander and Alliance thing makes it so hard for me to ever get invested in the upcoming stories even if 6.0 wasn't that bad, it's hard for me to believe that my commander who was the emperor of the galaxy for 5 minutes is now just another Sith under one of the weakest leaders the empire has ever seen.

The only real intresting thing happening right now is the Malgus story i guess but for some reason Cough The mando show Cough they decided to start a new story about Mando's that feels super forced and random...

The wait between stories was already long and it feels like the wait between them is even getting longer i get it small team etc but why add such a weird story when you already had so many things going on that they need to cover?

*We have 2 different saboteur stories going on that will probably never lead to anything *We have the whole Malgus situation thingy going *We have the stupid Vayling probably coming back at some point *The Mando story *Also Darth Malora is still running around somewhere (never got the option to kill her as an imp wich implies she'll come back at some point) *The war of Rep vs Empire wich will probably never actually lead to anything because of the current writing style your faction will always have the upper hand come out victorious of the current story update but it won't change anything for the next part...

It's just sad i get that class stories can't just continue because of budget & time reasons but i never felt this dissapointed with story updates in the past like Makeb,Oricon etc where my character still felt like a Jedi,Sith,trooper etc instead of the mindless robot following Lana's orders. :(

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