7 years of chall, bored ask me literally anything u wish for next hour

Not precisely sure what you mean by ¨commit religiously¨. But bot laners in lower elo often lack knowledge of surrounding roles, and are very one dimensional this is a theme I've seen for many years. In part because ADC role doesn't push limits as hard and the ADC champs only have 1-2 playstyles.

While for example a top laner that plays Viktor, Riven, Darius, Ornn, Karma, Vayne, Sylas gets to experience the life of being a hard engage, the sole person to start a fight, learn to get catches, learn how to play fog of war, learn to splitpush, practice lots of 1v2s, and that way gets to know the damage output and limits much better of all champs. Many ADC's often struggle to have impact on offrole as a result and struggle to improve I feel. Don't learn to punish mistakes or learn how to push limits to have as much impact as you possibly can. I've been watching and playing with ¨Kite machine¨ rank 2 euw (LDLC comp on twitch) a young upcoming talent that truly pushes the limits of an ADC, knows when he can easily 1v2 a mid and jungle on xayah/ezreal etc.

This really spills over into when ADC and Supp try to rotate top lane with lead then always gets pikachu surprised when they lose 2v2 to enemy top and jungle, or surprised they get 2v3 ganked when hard pushing.

Rekkles was great to watch stream because he almost never ever died to ganks, he knew precisely when he was at risk of getting punished, he knows precisely how strong the enemy jungler is with X items, what angles they can gank from what spells he has to avoid to cleanly win 2v3 or to not die ETC.

When I play on a dia smurf it's always a shit show because people die to enemy jungler who has +0 ad no buffs no boots level 4 which should be impossible. This happens occasionally in high elo esp if a lane is getting beat and sitting low hp no sums as a result but it's much more rare.

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