This is $70.83 worth of food. My rent is also $3200(1bdrm). How the fuck am I supposed to make it on minimum wage?

This obviously doesn't solve the problem, but you'd be able to eat more often if you quit buy name-brand, organic stuff.

Seriously, if you're that strapped for money, quit buying name brand. Quit buying organic. Great Value rice, beans and breakfast foods. Even with current prices, I can feed myself for a couple weeks with $50.

Again, I'm aware this is not a solution to the actual problem, being that wages in the "first-world country" are dog shit. Not faulting you, or anyone, for being the victim of reckless money printing by geezers, at all. But if you're broke.. grocery shop like it. Shit is going to get worse, and you need to get into the habit of dealing with it effectively, while we still can. Getting mad and not changing how you spend money is not effective. Learning how to make a dollar stretch is (for now).

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