75% in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption

I'd say we desperately need electoral reform.

We need a VOTER society, not a consumer society. If our "representatives" do not want to change anything themselves we can hold a popular vote on electoral reform during a constitutional convention.

These reforms are possible at the federal level:

Publicly fund all elections at all levels of government. Only signatures required.

Institute a national unpaid holiday for all non-essential workers.

Institute financial rewards for voters so they actually vote on their day off. ($100+)

After overturning Citizens United v. FEC 558 U.S. 310 (2010):

All private donations are lumped together and doled out equally to all candidates. Want to help a specific person? Volunteer.

These reforms we vote in one state at a time:

Voting registration is automatic, everyone receives a ballot in the mail a month before voting day. They are free to complete it and mail it in at their leisure. OR Same day registration everywhere.

Abandon first past the post voting

Institute an Alternative Vote

Voting booths are open 24/7 for a week (or a weekend at least) after the voting holiday to catch stragglers.

Require all voting booths to have information on every candidate, so that someone can crawl out of a cave and make a informed vote with only the information available inside the voting booth.

Pass an amendment with a popular vote during a constitutional convention for the following reform:

Automatic recall elections for politicians that do something contrary to the information they gave the voters during their campaign. Should the people see the reasoning behind the change of heart, they will not vote out the politician. (Currently unconstitutional: U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779 (1995))

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