8 months delay is disingenuous.

Long story short most people have no clue what it takes to build something from scratch and get really butt hurt when it doesn't come out in their version of an "expected" timeframe, so they cry liar and incompetent. Every single game I've ever seen on early access does this. Subnautica for example was set to release in February. Their scope did not grow, they didn't add anything, they didn't run into unexpected problems, they were just flat out too optimistic when it came to how fast they thought they could get it done. Now it's set to come out in about 2 months. They gain nothing from lying, it hurts them and it damages trust between them and their fan base. It blows my mind how so many people here don't realize that yet they are literally an example of it. CIG is not stupid, they are a massive game studio with a metric fuckton of work to do and didn't realize how incredibly difficult what they wanted to do was. Anyone who has ever had to attempt to predict the future has experienced this. Go point out another game that has this level of tech in it. Building things from scratch is hard, I do it for a living, I know exactly how estimating completion times works and how often it's wrong. The bigger the project the higher the likelihood of being off.

/r/starcitizen Thread