8 years after its Steam release, Metal Gear Rising has finally reached Overwhelmingly Positive reviews [95% of positive reviews]

Yes, more buttons always means a better game. It would be so much more fun if I had to use different buttons for combat when one works fine. Why is a short jump and a higher jump both done on the same button? What were they thinking!?

System works fine. Beaten the game enough time to lose count, never once parry'd when I meant to hit or vice versa.

"It's different so it's bad! Make it like god of war!" is basically what it comes down to. Same reason God Hand took the hit it did.

I get it, you don't want to try new things, but then why not just stick to regular hack and slash games? Why are you going to a different type of game and demanding it be more like every other game? It's like saying Doom 2016 was bad because it didn't play like other modern shooters.

/r/pcgaming Thread Parent Link - steamdb.info