The 80/20 of entrepreneurship - how did you make the shift?

Honestly, I've struggled with this idea. I oftentimes forget what I've done in the past, startup phase that has gotten me to where I am. From physically dumb things to simply reinvesting the majority of profits for years upon years. It's all a conscious choice to put the business and the employees ahead of past needs.

But the other often unspoken truth to success is that it comes at a cost. You've got to be singularly focused for a long period of time. I can't count the number of relationships I've messed up by putting the business ahead of them. I remember a date in college I stood up. She had to walk to the event alone in the cold rain and I didn't even call her since I was too caught up in work. Piss poor decisions like that which have hurt me personally but moved the company ahead.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread